Indigestion Medications May Be Worst Than The Problem
Indigestion, which includes acid reflux, heartburn, and other symptoms, are often treated with a group of medications known as proton-pump inhibitors (PPI's). These include: Prilosec, Nexium, and Prevacid, which work by reducing the acid found in the stomach.
It is not recommended that you use these medications for longer than 6-8 weeks for active treatment, or for more than a year for maintenance therapy.
Many individuals have used them for 5 or more years; could this lead to problems?
Serious side-effects of this class of medications include Clostridium difficile infections, which can lead to death, osteoporosis, vitamin B12 deficiencies, kidney disease, and liver inflammation.
Another side-effect of PPIs has been identified; heart attack!
A study published in the online June 10, 2015 journal, PLOS One, demonstrated a 16-21% increase in the rate of heart attacks in patients with acid reflux who took PPIs versus those who did not take them.
So for better health, avoid the use of PPIs and follow hygienic health principles to eliminate heartburn!
We will address those principles next!